Best Sleeping Position For Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can cause to anyone so you may suffer. The reason behind this is the sleeping position and restless sleep at night. When you don’t get yourself adjusted in the correct position you change your position frequently and you get the shoulder pain. You must sleep in the correct position to heal the shoulder pain and also avoid getting it as well.
Some things that you must take care of like don’t lean too much on your affected shoulder that causes you more pain. Avoid the pressure on the painful area of the shoulder. There is also an important key to avoid shoulder pain is the posture of the spine. The spine must be in the naturally arched position. For this, you need to put the pillows to keep your body posture in the sleeping position comfortably.
Causes with wrong position or bad sleep
- Frozen Shoulder
- Bursitis of shoulder
- Shoulder Osteoarthritis
- Rotator cuff injury
- Shoulder impingement syndrome
Sleeping positions you must take care while sleeping
- Avoid sleep on your affected shoulder
- Sleep on your back
- Do sleep with the elevated painful shoulder
Sleep on your back- It is the position that helps you in relieving the shoulder pain and is opted by very fewer people. This position provides full support to the spine, neck, head and also relieves your shoulder if you use the memory foam pillow. If you are in the pain already then do lace a pillow under your armpit and sleep on your back.
Sleeping on the affected shoulder- Some experts say that when you are addicted to one position even its side sleeping or on your back doesn’t matter. If you sleep on your shoulder that is having pain then it is a good technique to treat the pain. Do sleep on the side of the shoulder having pain and place the pillow under the back and mid-hips. You can place 2 pillows for support if you have a wider pelvis than your shoulder. It helps you in relieving your pain and aligns the spinal cord properly.
How to get in touch?
Here is the information that you must know about. For more information, you need to contact the memory foam pillow customer number 1800-862-1084. The support team is here to resolve all your queries and provide you all the information you required. You can also contact the team anytime from anywhere via email or live chat. Team members are glad to help you out by providing you the best assistance.